Watch Scare to Care 2 Live!
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Scare to Care 2 Promo
Two weeks away, everybody!
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Scare to Care 2 Teaser!
That’s right! We’re back for year two. And we’ll be doing things a little differently this time around:
- We’re quintupling our goal! With your help last year we were able to top our $1,000 goal and reach $1,100, with donations coming from as far as Finland and Australia. This year, we feel confident that we can reach $5,000. That means that…
- We’re extending the event! Last year took place over two days in two 9-ish hour shifts. This year, we are doing a non-stop marathon over three days. Which finally means that…
- We’re adding more games! Now not only do you get to see us play Amnesia (we wanted to do something special with it this year, more on this later), but we’ll be adding a huge list of the scariest games that you never wanted to play. We’re still in the planning stages at this moment, but soon you’ll see a list the games as well as an hourly calendar of events.
We hope to make year’s event bigger and better than last year’s. Expect some great games, familiar faces, and unforgettable scares. Stay tuned for more info, and make sure to follow us on Twitter for the must up-to-date news regarding S2C!
Keep on scarin’,
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Scare to Care Night 1 Highlights!
We cut down 8 hours of footage into 8 minutes of traumatic comedy. Enjoy!
We’re working on Tim’s night right now. Hopefully you’ll see it soon.
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Scare to Care Interview with
Hey Everyone,
Tim and I are still working on all of the footage from the event, and will definitely have something to show soon. However until that time, you can enjoy an interview we did with Tom from!
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Scare to Care Night 2 Finished
Thanks for your help everyone! Scare to Care has officially concluded. Tim finished Amnesia in 6 hours and 58 minutes, beating my (Vernon) time of 8 hours and 15 minutes. He did, however, die 9 times to my 1. Suck on that, Tim.
But most importantly, we reached our goal and then some, bringing our grand total for frundraising for Camp Kesem UCSD to $1,084.23!
We’ll start working on all of the footage, and hopefully get some good highlight clips up on our Youtube. Make sure to subscribe to us.
Thanks again for all your support and donations! We had a blast doing this and we hope that you enjoyed watching. You’ll be hearing from us soon!
-Vernon Shaw
Scare to Care
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Scare to Care night one finished!
Hey everyone, Vernon here.
I just finished Amnesia: the Dark Descent a few minutes ago. I completed the game at 2:15 AM with a total playtime of 8 hours and 15 minutes. Tomorrow night starting at 6 PM PDT, Tim will start Amnesia again and try to beat my playtime.
Today we raised over $500 for camp to bring us to a grand total of $814. This puts us $186 away from our goal of $1000. Hopefully we can reach it during Tim’s playthrough.
I’ll try to throw together a video or two in the morning of one of the scares. Hopefully it’ll drum up a little more interest in our event.
Thanks again to everyone who helped out tonight, especially the people who helped me get through the harder puzzles. See ya tomorrow!
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Scare to Care was featured in places!
Firstly, S2C spent a very small amount of time on the front page of r/gaming on Reddit. As a person who spends 90% of his internet time on this website, I’d like to say that this is a huge honor. Thanks for the support, Reddit!
Secondly, S2C was featured in several great gaming blogs: Joystiq, Ripten, and Next Life Gaming. I’d like to take this moment to thank the gaming news media for helping us to spread the word.
The event starts tomorrow at 6PM. Super stoked.
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Scare to Care is Tomorrow!
Things are coming together around here. Some nice people donated both a fog machine and some fog juice for the event, which should up the creepy factor legitimately. I’m also told that there will be candles involved.
Currently we are at 23% of our intended goal, which is awesome!
If you haven’t donated yet, but would like to, feel free to head over to our FirstGiving page to do so.
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IRC Chat and Press Page
Great news everyone!
We’re adding a new incentive to donate to our event. If you donate, you will get special access to an IRC channel specifically dedicated to helping the Scare-er scare the Scare-ee.
That makes sense, right?
It should add some extra comedy to the event.
Also I’ve added a press page to the site. Please, please write about us.
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